[1] 中外合作办学对引智引才的促进作用研究,西南交通大学重点课题。
[2] 四川省科技计划项目——2020年度四川省科教领域外籍人才引进与团队建设研究(编号2020JDR0073)。
[3] 四川省2013-2016年高等教育人才培养质量和教学改革项目“新形势下来华留学生国际化培养中的若问题研究”。
[4] 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金一般项目——我国高等工程教育国际化进程中的问题与对策。
[1] Guo Ju, Qiu Yanjun & Yongtao Gan. Workplace incivility and work engagement: The mediating role of job insecurity, and the moderating role of self-perceived employability[J].Managerial and Decision Economics, 2021, 43(1): 192-205.(SSCI, ABS 2星, IF: 0.975) (被引13次)
[2] Guo Ju, Qiu Yanjun & Yongtao Gan. Workplace Incivility and Work Engagement: The Chain Mediating Effects of Perceived Insider Status, Affective Organizational Commitment and Organizational Identification[J]. Current Psychology, 2020, (3): 1-12.(SSCI, 1区 IF: 4.297)
[3] Guo Ju*, Qiu Yanjun. Workplace incivility and organisational identification: The role of affective organisational commitment and perceived insider status[J]. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 2019, 29(5): 452-459.(SSCI, 4区 IF: 0.835)
[4] Yongtao Gan & Guo Ju*. Typological classification of adolescent school dropouts in rural China: evidence from Hainan Province[J]. Journal of Child and Family Studies,2022, (2): 1-12.(SSCI, 2区 IF: 2.278)
[5] Junhua Xu, Guo Ju* & Qiu Yanjun. A Review of the Perceived Insider Status[C]. 2020 3rd International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Engineering Management, 2020, 22.